What do I see in this picture?

I see my grandmother.

Though she would never have worn a dress. “Not modest” she would have called it.

Her style was more of a Saree, a traditional Indian wear which kept her clad from head to toe. That went so well too with a big round red bindi on her forehead, a golden bangle on one hand and a Timex watch on another. Her hair would always be neatly tied in a big bun, mostly grey, like this woman’s, with strands of black reminding of the youth that once was.

I often wondered what’s the modesty in a saree? Her midriff was always visible, peaking out from behind the translucent piece of cloth, almost playing hide and seek. I used to think, maybe the real reason she would never wear a dress was that her legs were too hairy or maybe her ankles unkempt..I could never figure that one out for sure, but then again, I was merely 7, oblivious and unknown to so much that was apparent.

Anyways, I digress.

She used to tell me proudly and loudly, showing off her wrinkles, “I acquired them. One day at a time. They tell a story. MY story. The lines are intertwined like a web, crossing at important interjections. There are some good turns and some bad ones but each one is unique.”

And then with her finger upright, almost so tight that I feared if she bent a bit more it would break, she would say, albeit with a smile – “and your lines should be YOURS. Don’t let anyone make them FOR you.”


Written for the prompt https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2020/12/21/what-do-you-see-61-21st-december-2020/